The line edits for The Soul from the Supernova are officially finished and you'd think that would mean the project is almost ready... but it's not!
Sometimes it feels like book releases are never really over. So much goes into a book release: writing the first draft, revising, developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, beta reading, cover designs, blurb writing, AND MORE. It feels like there are a million moving parts and most of the work is completely invisible to the public eye.
Once release day finally arrives, all of that intense, invisible work disappears over night, but it's not "the end." Instead, the next stage in the book's evolutionary process begins: the marketing and selling of the book, often while simultaneously working on new writing projects.
I'm not sitting back to relax now, but I am taking time to celebrate that a big milestone has been completed on my book. Every step of the process is important to the final product, and it's worth celebrating the success of every new stage.
As a writing coach, I love to cheer writers on throughout every step of the book journey, even if it's never really over. No matter what place you're in with your book, support is welcome.
Is there ever a point where you feel your book is finished and you can move on? Comment below!